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Price Analysis in Import and Export

Find out the monthly and yearly average prices of the imported products you search for.

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Importer and Product Analysis

Reach the information about which importers are active in the selected market and which products are imported mostly.

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Global Market Outlook and Insights

Get more information such as which companies are doing business in your target market, which products are being sold, average price data and market growth data.

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Foreign Trade Trend Analysis

Observe product and growth trends in your target markets with graphs based on import value and average product price.

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The Most Appropriate Importer Company Information

Find the most appropriate importer companies recommended for your company in your target markets.

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Market Losses and Gains of Countries

Analyze the market losses and gains of the countries, which vary from year to year, on detailed charts.

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AI that Makes You a Better Exporter & Importer

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    Market Calculus finds you the most accurate markets. Access detailed global market analysis reports on HS Codes basis, analyze your target markets, and make the right decision.
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    With the global market reports of Market Calculus, discover the consumption trends of more than 200 countries, make product price analyses and find the most accurate potential importers.
  • 3
    Using the HS code, you can access comprehensive global market reports of your target markets in seconds and you will have a competitive advantage by identifying the most suitable foreign markets for your products.
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